oh crap! 5 days to go men! i mean like i'm finally graduating! wow! that fast? it's like i've been in high school just weeks ago @.@ i can't even imagine how fast days go by :||
i so appreciated all the knowledge that i had gain during my high school life. all the old and new friends that I've met, their friendship are so strong to me, i love em' so much -____-" Senior year is the best year of my life :| *sigh (never thought how life would be in college)
I've learned lots of new stuff, crazy experiences with my mates... i learn how to live my life with em' like there's no tomorrow... memories that i had right now will always stay with me forever!
damn! i am soooooooo sooooo soooo gonna miss em' *sob :'(
well, i'm not yet sure where will i'll be going in college, but no matter how far i am from my mates... i want em' to know that they are still close to my heart :| best thing to do after graduation is that... KEEP iN TOUCH xD